MX4: A carousel machine for the smart factory


Another answer to the Smart Factory challenge is a full digital integration of the whole production line. To help glassmakers on their way, Tiama has launched recently its own Smart Factory concept called YOUniverse. Moreover, the Tiama machines and specifically the MX4 machine are thought, since their very first rounds, to provide a lot of measures and data. Tiama’s approach for tomorrow is to consider its inspection machines more as data providing devices than binary sorting machines. With this goal, the main purpose of MX4, like all the other Tiama machines, is to provide data to an external intelligent system: the Tiama ECO-system. This new system is a supervisory control and data acquisition system dedicated to Tiama machines with which the user can have an overview of hot and cold end machine behavior. For every single container inspected, all the available measurements are recorded for all the different controls. Then, all the measures and data are processed and enriched by the Tiama ECO-system to deliver centered recommendations and to improve the customers’ productivity.

This is an extract from an article published in a magazine, if you want to read the full article click here